Refractory Anchors India

High-Quality Refractory Anchors

Durable Refractory Anchor Solutions

Refractory Anchor Applications

Steel Plant Refractory Anchors

Cement Plant Refractory Anchors

Power Plant Refractory Anchors

Feuerfeste Anker

Hochtemperaturbeständige Anker

Edelstahlanker für Feuerfest

Anwendungen von Feuerfestankern

Feuerfestanker für Hochöfen

Feuerfestanker für Zementöfen

Feuerfestanker für Glasöfen

Feuerfeste Anker, Anker für Feuerfestmaterialien, Hochtemperaturanker, Edelstahlanker für Feuerfest, Feuerfestverankerung

Y type anchors

Y type refractory anchor (flat)

These refractory anchors are flat-sectioned and designed for a variety of applications, mostly in light- to medium-sized refractories. They come in triple and double tined options. They are installed and then curved outward from the center. Adding reinforcing fibers to your refractory material is a good idea.

The steel casing can have the anchors gun or hand welded onto it. A backup layer can be put onto the steel casing and over the tines after welding. It is possible to bend out the tines, which will accelerate the forces in the refractory concrete's transition onto the refractory anchor casing.

Available alloys for plate: CS, 304, 309, 253MA, 310SS, 314, 321, 330, 800, 601 and more. For other alloys please contact us

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